Children start to arrive/ Free play 6:00 AM
Transition clean up wash hands 7:15 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
Music/Singing/ Dancing 8:30 AM
Preschool Curriculum 9:00 AM
Transition/ Clean up/ Wash hands/ Snack Time 9:30 AM
Outside play/ Learning Activities 10:00 AM
Art/ Learning Activities 11:00 AM
Story Time/ Puppets 11:30 AM
Wash Hands/ Lunch Time 12:00 PM
Nap 1:00 PM
Outside Play ( older kids) 3:00 PM
Learning Activities/Music/ Singing/ Dancing 3:30 PM
Transition Clean Up Wash Hands 3:45 PM
Dinner 4:00 PM
Outside Play/ Children Begin to Leave 4:30 PM
Quiet Activities/ Clean Up 5:00 PM
Departure 5:30 PM